A LoveTest

Gjorde ett kärlekstest på internet för att få reda på hur jag ser på förhållanden och hur jag är som flickvän...Jag tyckte faktiskt allt stämde, läskigt men sant.

The road represents your attitude towards falling in love.
If you chose the long one, you take
your time & do not fall in love that easily.

The number of red roses represent how much you
expect to give in a relationship. The number of white
roses represents how much you expect in a relationship.
You expect to equally give and recieve in the relationship

Asking a family member to get your love means that
You want to avoid problems

The placement of the roses indicate how often you
would like to see your boy/girl--friend.
Putting the roses on the bed means, you want to see them a lot.

Finding your love asleep: You accept them the way they are

The roads now represent how long you could stay in love.
The long one means you tend to stay in love for a long, long time.


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